Monday, 28 July 2014

Term 3 Week 2

Week Two
Tuesday: Drama Club, Cupcake sale for Cambodia $1 each
Wednesday: Yr 6 School Nurse Visit “Puberty and our Changing Bodies”
Thursday: ***** Choir is on!!**** (30/7/14) 
Friday: Pre-primary assembly & Merit awards, Yr 5/6 Doge Tabloid Sports
Sunday: Sacrament of Eucharist 2pm

Mental Maths: Week 21

English: Reading every night, Bring in a toy for descriptive writing task Thursday.
Maths: Complete online Geometry Quiz   (post a comment on how you did on the quiz)

Religion: Complete questionary about marriage for Wednesday.

Numero Challenge Term 3 Week 2
Gold Challenge No. 11

1, 6, 5, 8, 2/3
x4, 4/5, x2, 8, 10

Please use the número entry sheet to write your answers on and hand them to me by Tuesday 5th  August.
1. Work out your best move to win the most cards.
2. Write it down, step by step (one number sentence per line)
3. Show the taking card.
4. Show how many cards you could win.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Numero Challenge Term 3 Week 1

Numero Challenge Term 3 Week 1
Silver Challenge No. 11

2, 6, 1, 8, -5

-3, x5, 13, 7, 4

Please use the número entry sheet to write your answers on and hand them to me by Tuesday 29th July. 
1. Work out your best move to win the most cards. 
2. Write it down, step by step (one number sentence per line) 
3. Show the taking card. 
4. Show how many cards you could win. 

Monday, 21 July 2014

Term 3 Class Duties / Sports & IT committee

Term 3
Class Duties
Sports & IT committee


Term 3 Class Timetable

Term 3 Class Timetable 


Welcome Year 6 Children and Parents to the 2014 Blogger.

This blog will be used for me to communicate to you any information I need you to read, watch or see. All information will stay on this blog for the year and can be referred to whenever necessary.

Mr Andrew Fonseca